271 timetabled parcel rake trains till August, WR pledges to keep supply of essential commodities running

Western Railway’s goods & parcel special trains have been continuously traversing across the country to keep the supply of essential commodities moving. In continuation to this, Western Railway has run 271 parcel trains from 1st April, 2021 to 15th August, 2021 to transport essential commodities to various parts of the country. During this period, the loading in goods trains recorded 31.13 million tonnes as compared to 24.70 million tonnes in the corresponding period of last year. The Divisional Business Development Units (BDUs) are being closely monitored which resulted in not only improvement in parcel traffic but also acquiring better freight opportunities in terms of new traffic.

From 1st April, 2021 to 15th August 2021, Western Railway has transported commodities weighing more than 1 Lakh tonnes through its various parcel special trains, which included agricultural produce, medicines, medical equipment, fish, milk etc. The revenue generated through this transportation, has been approx Rs. 35.50 crore. 68 Milk Special trains were run by Western Rly, with a load of above 47 thousand tonnes and 100% utilization of the wagons. Similarly, 82 COVID-19 special parcel trains with a load of approx. 14,000 tonnes were also run to transport essential commodities. In addition to this, 49 indented rakes carrying approx. 24,000 tonnes were also run with 100% utilization. To help the farmers find new markets for their produce and also for its economical and fast transportation, 72 Kisan Rails with load of approx. 18,000 tonnes have also been run during this period from various divisions.

During the period from 1st April to 15th August, 2021 total 14,289 rakes of goods trains have been run by WR and carried 31.13 million tonnes of essential commodities. 29,896 freight trains were interchanged with other zonal railways, in which 14,966 trains were handed over and 14,930 trains were taken over at different interchange points. Business Development Units (BDUs) are in constant contact with the existing and probable freight customers to encourage them to transport their goods through railways with the incentives introduced by the Railway Board for quick, reliable, economical & bulk transportation of their goods.

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