GM Eastern Railway Stresses On Improvement In Freight Loading

Suneet Sharma, General Manager, Eastern Railway held virtual meeting today (6.8.2020) with Divisional Railway Managers, Chief Works Managers and Principal Heads of Departments of Eastern Railway to discuss the issue related to safety, punctuality and revenue of Eastern Railway. GM asked all concerned to give importance on safety aspects. He advised Divisional Railway Managers to increase the frequency of safety inspections as far as practicable during this monsoon period, maintaining health protocols.

GM reiterated the necessity of improvement of freight loading since passenger trains are not running in regular course and only special trains are running. He instructed all concerned to keep vigil on improvement of average speed of all freight trains so that essential commodities may be transported within optimum time. For convenience of the loaders/customers, labourers at goods sheds, GM instructed all concerned to take necessary steps for improvement of conditions of goods shed.

Business Development Units for improvement of freight loading have been formed at ER Headquarters and in four Divisions. These units are surveying the market so as to increase freight loading.

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