The Delhi Division of Northern Railway expects to save a massive 75% on its energy bills by converting 44 trains to Head-On-Generation (HOG). The division is expected to save 12,000 kiloliters of diesel annually as a result.
HOG technology has been introduced in all the trains fitted with LHB coaches and hauled by electric traction.
This was done as part of an effort to cut down on unnecessary costs. Indian Railways has also been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with revenues expected to dip due to the lockdown and reduction in traffic.
The public transporter has been planning the move to HOG as a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective move for a while.
How HOG Technology Works

The power supply tapped from power lines through pantograph to the train engine is used to run the engine and haul the coaches. In this new system power supply tapped from overhead to the train engine will be distributed to the trailing coaches for power needs.
Read More on RailPost’s HOG coverage here
This technology caters to the power of the coaches such as coach lighting, air conditioning, etc. is alternate of earlier technology having two power cars in the trains known as End on Generation (EOG).
Benefits of HOG
Increase in revenue & reduction in operational cost: Per unit cost of power in HOG system is only 25 % of EOG system. Hence, there is a saving of 75 % with HOG operation. Due to HOG system in 44 LHB trains, Delhi division is expected to save 12,000 KL HSD oil consumption annually.
In HOG system one power car could be removed (keeping one power car for emergency purpose) and additional AC coach may be added with same formation of rake. This will generate additional revenue to Railway & facility for public.
Environment friendly: In EOG system there are two types of pollution-(i) Air pollution due to burn of High-Speed Diesel, and (ii) Noise pollution by DA sets. HOG system is free from both type of pollution.
Carbon Credits: Delhi division is expected to reduce CO2 emission by 30,000 Ton annually through HOG system. Thus, carbon credits can be earned by not emitting the CO2 through burning of HSD oil into the environment.
Better reliability: HOG system is more reliable due to reduced number of generating equipment, low maintenance requirement, reduced dead weight compared to SG & EOG system.
Conversion to HOG During Lockdown
A road map was prepared by Electrical Coaching team of Delhi division to address both the challenges. In the month of April/May 2020 (During Lock Down), Delhi division created facility for Primary maintenance with HOG system at washing/Sick lines at New Delhi, Anand Vihar & Nizamudin railway station.
Delhi division is expected to save a revenue of Rs 20 Cr with this facility. Also, CO2 emission shall be further reduced by 10,000 metric ton annually to earn more carbon credits for Indian Railways.
Conversion of Garib Rath ICF Rakes to HOG
The technical team of Coaching department did the detail technical study for conversion of Garib Rath trains & Power Cars from EOG system to HOG system. Technical specifications, drawing & scheme of modification of Garib-Rath rakes were prepared by Delhi division and sent to RDSO for technical scrutiny & approval in 1st week of June 2020. Scheme, drawing & specifications as proposed by Delhi division was approved by RDSO on dated 22.06.2020.
Sh. S.C. Jain, Divisional Railway Manager, Delhi said that the this is expected to save around ₹ 65 Crores per annum on diesel consumption of generator cars with the introduction of HOG technology. He further said that Delhi Division has initiated process for modification work of 150 Coaches & 18 power cars of Garib Rath trains to operate these trains on HOG system.
Approx expenditure on the modification work of Garib-Rath trains will be Rs 3.0 Cr. Delhi division is expected to save a revenue of Rs 12 Crore and reduction of 5000 tons of CO2 emission in environment annually with HOG technology in Garib-Rath trains.