LTT-Gadag express merged with LTT-Hubli via Solapur

Merging of 11139/11140 Gadag Express and 17322/17321 Hubballi Express

RailPost Bureau

September 30,2019

Railways have decided to merge the following trains and 11139/11140 Mumbai-Gadag Express will run as daily train from 1.10.2019.

11139/11140 Mumbai-Gadag Express (six days a week)

17321/17322 LTT-Hubballi Express (daily)

After merging there will no service of train no.17322 LTT-Hubballi Express from 6.10.2019 and 17321 Hubballi-LTT Express from 5.10.2019.

Reservation:  Bookings for the enhanced day of train no.11139 Mumbai-Gadag Express will commence from 1.10.2019 as per 120 days advance reservation period at all computerised reservation centres and on website .

Passengers are requested to note.

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