The punctuality of passenger carrying special trains within NFR has shown noteworthy improvement in recent days. As per recent data available on punctuality performance; all the passenger-carrying trains of NFR area were running 100% on-timeon 1st July, 3rd July and 4th July.In the NFR area, the average speed of goods trains is also on the rise.
The average speed of goods trains in July up to 04.07.2020 increased from 25.29 kmph to42.85 kmph over the same period of last year. That is an increase of 69.41%. On 04.07.2020 the average speed of freight trains was 45.63 kmph against 25.46 kmph on 04.07.2019. That is an increase of 79.19%.This is a very significant achievement considering the fact that, there are various types of restriction in force due to COVID-19 scenario and there is an increase in the number of freight and parcel carrying trains to fulfill the requirement of essential and other industrial items within the jurisdiction of NFR.
NFR is running passenger special trains, AC special trains, and Shramik special trains continuously to take people to their destinations.NFR has emphasized on maintenance work ever since regular passenger trains stopped plying throughout the country. All these works were done with detailed planning and continuous monitoring, maintaining all COVID-19 related health protocols(e.g. social distancing, etc). It is found that emphasis given on maintenance of assets leads to a decrease in asset failures and thereby increased the punctuality/ average speed of all trains due to fewer detentions and speed restrictions.It is needless to mention here that the feat of 100% punctuality of passenger carrying trains and an increase in freight train speed during this pandemic situation could be achieved by NFR due to the commitment of our frontline staff and meticulous planning and continuous monitoring by our officials at all levels.