Central Railways Crime Investigation Branch of Railway Protection Force launched a special relentless drive “Operation Suruchi” from 3.12.2019 against unauthorised hawking and vending in trains and at stations. During the drive in all 835 cases were registered arresting 835 persons till 10.12.2019. A fine of Rs 3,51,035/- was collected from these unauthorised vendors and 2 persons were sent to jail.
At Divisional level separate teams were deployed and these drives will continue till the menace of unauthorised hawking/vending is eliminated from the railways. Frequent announcements were made through PA (Public Address) system to make aware the passengers about the harms and consuming unhygienic food items purchased from unauthorised hawkers/vendors.
To prevent and control the menace of unauthorised vending, Passengers were appealed to inform TTEs, AC attendants, pantry staff, stall owners/operators etc. whenever they notice any unauthorised hawker/vendor. Other Railway staff also advised to bring to the notice of Commercial / RPF staff about any unauthorised hawking /vending in trains and at stations for immediate action.