SER’s First Lok Adalat of Railway Claims Tribunal inaugurated

Sanjay Kumar Mohanty, General Manager, South Eastern Railway inaugurated the First Lok Adalat of Railway Claims Tribunal, Kolkata Bench today (16-3-2021). This Lok Adalat will be held from 16th to 18th March, 2021.

Suchitto Kumar Das, Vice Chairman of Railway Claims Tribunal, Kolkata Bench will Chair the Lok Adalat in which 27 identified cases will be heard.

The object of the Lok Adalat is to provide speedy justice to railway users by way of expeditious decisions through payment of compensation to the victims or their families of untoward incidents during the course of their journeys by Indian Railways and to those whose goods are lost or damaged during railway transit. The Lok Adalat was attended by applicants, advocates and presenting officers from the railway side.

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