Passenger trains reaching KSR Bengaluru travelling to and from Mysuru will now get enhanced mobility with additional train reception and dispatch facilities at Platform No.8. Major yard remodeling at KSR Bengaluru has been completed recently.
During the doubling of Bengaluru – Kengeri section, uninterrupted connectivity of double line towards Mysuru end from Platform No.8 could not be covered. This will give trains to and from KSR Bengaluru a big reprieve and ease out line capacity constraints on this route.

With this work simultaneous reception and dispatch of trains from Platform No.5 to 10 at KSR Bengaluru Station and facilitate faster movement of trains.Trains coming from Mysuru will now be received at Platform No.8 and simultaneously trains from Platform No.5 to 7 can depart towards Mysuru. Trains from Yesvantpur end will also be received on Platform No.8 Trains arriving from Bengaluru Cant. will now be received at Platform No.5 to 7 and towards Mysuru will depart from Platform No.8 simultaneously. This will give flexibility by allowing simultaneous dealing of trains.
Platform No.8 is having direct connectivity with second entry gate of KSR Bengaluru city railway station. Simultaneous movements on Platform No.8 facilitate dealing trains both from Mysuru or Yesvantpur on Platform No.8 maintaining their punctuality especially during peak hours and thereby helping passengers to board/de-board trains from respective coaches on Platform No. 8 without changing platform since more trains will now be dealt at Platform No 8.
Work of large Visual Display Unit screen for operations by Station master on duty has also been made fully functional for easy monitoring of trains.
During the Non-Interlocking work of almost 16 hrs duration, large number of Signal & Telecommunication and Traffic staff worked tirelessly round the clock, maintaining social distancing.